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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2003-05-15 - 11:51 p.m.
It had to happen...

Please forgive the dinking aroud with the template. I am a complete and total HTML moron, so when I dink, things come out...odd. If my diary were Mr. Potato Head, sometimes his arm would come out of the top of his head....

The tingly fingy problem of earlier today seems to be a little better. I'm thinking something got pinched. Pretty sure I wasn't having a stroke or anything, as speech was ok and I wasn't weak.

Ass GM spoke to me about my Death Glare yesterday. I believe she even used the word "shitty". Whatever. I was cool..didn't get teary, like I tend to in those situations, nor did I get overly defensive. I simply reminded her of the stealth staff meeting of a few weeks ago, and explained that's where my brain was when she said it would be "in my best interest" to be in the multi purpose room. We talked some more, and she said something about thinking that programming believes she is "meddlesome and disrespectful of the work that is done". I didn't deny nor did I confirm. But yeah. That's what we think.

I dunno. Maybe we all need to be locked in a room and not interrupted until we can work it all out.

Can't believe it's Friday already. The time is FLYING by. We both got paid today, which was a Very Good Thing.

And happy note of the day: Vox is back!!!!

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