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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2003-09-28 - 11:43 a.m.
A whole year!

So. Today's our anniversary. That's one year that FLEW by. And I'll say this---lots of people say the first year is the hardest...well, we're in for really smooth sailing, if that's the case.

Of course, Husband being a man, he does doofusy things, and I'm a little irked with him right now for one of those things. He was talking to his parents on the phone last night, and was telling them he'd gone with me to Arizona, and said "yeah, Deb--er..uh...Colz had a business trip out there".

Debbie is the ex. I have issues. And he fricking referred to me by her name?!?! WTF is that about? I laughed at the time, because the furious backpedalling was something to behold. But it still hurt my feelings. And it was really poor timing.


So...not sure what the plans are for today....the cake top is thawing...though I am not too optimistic that year old cake will be very tasty. We're spending the night at the hotel we spent our wedding night, going to dinner, etc. I may go shopping before we leave....all my pants are way too big.

Thrilling, isn't it?

2 comments so far
Michelle - 2003-09-28 14:59:47
Happy Anniversary! And don't mind the you say, he's a man. It's intrinsic to the breed.
LA - 2003-09-28 20:44:34
Cool beans! Happy Anniversary! May the honeymoon last forever. Don't fosh yourself about the name slip. Just Pavlovian conditioning. It'll go away. Do you have sibs? Your mom ever call you by the wrong name? Did it mean she loved you less? Nope. A toast of cyber-champagne to the happy couple! ~LA
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