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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2002-11-01 - 8:56 p.m.
Not particularly nurturing.....

I am a Bad Wife.

Because I am disgruntled right now.

And really have no business being disgruntled.

And I feel disloyal or something, committing anything remotely negative about Husband to this journal.

But I'm annoyed.

And I'm just going to seem completely selfish and not very understanding.

OK...for the better part of this week, we've both been battling The Crud. I'm not sure what this crud is, but it's going around. It's a vague sinusy/nasaly/head thing. Never really launches into a full fledged cold or flu, just makes you feel crappy. So we've both felt crappy. I even came home early on Wednesday.

So. Husband is downstairs on the couch. With the TV on. Asleep.

As he has been every night this week. He doesn't talk to me, he doesn't do anything except sit in front of the tv and fall asleep. Until it is time to wake up and go to bed.

We can all see why I never went into nursing. I get annoyed with sick people. I feel TERRIBLE that I'm getting mad at a sick person, but, well, I'm getting annoyed. We have shit to get done (like choosing our wedding pictures...we're meeting with the photographer tomorrow), and I am not getting any participation from him right now. Of course, WORK is still getting ten hour days from him....

Like I said, I suck as a wife.

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