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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2002-10-10 - 4:23 p.m.
Only four days....

Four days. It took four days back at work before I wanted to strangle people.


Just the usual annoyances. The Diva is just full out annoying, even when she is being nice. I think the biggest thing that bugs me is constant interruption. CON STANT. I can't read an email without interruption. Good GOD, I can't eat my lunch without interruption. Think about that for a moment. You open an email and you CAN'T EVEN READ THE ENTIRE THING without people interrupting. I mean, really. It ain't a productive way to work, that's for sure.

On the good side, I FINALLY got the paperwork for my raise. Wheee. The boss pointed out that in the past 3 years, I've received overall a 29%increase. Pretty cool, eh? Too bad it's just now approaching Real Money. But...with Husband and I now attached to the same yoke, so to speak, we should be in good shape. Yes, I still have a metric fuckload of credit card debt, but it will be much easier to make a dent in it now.

Husband had the electrical system at his house upgraded yesterday...needed to be brought up to code before he can sell it. So, there was $2500. Now we have to have the bathroom fixed....another $2000, I think. Lots to put in a house that MIGHT fetch 40k. Yes. 40K. Housing is cheap here. It's in a busy neighborhood, and I don't know that I'd settle there forever, but it's also not at the corner of Crackhead and Driveby. It's a cute little house with two bedrooms and a garage. It'll be a wonderful alternative for an apartment dweller who can scrape up a tiny downpayment.....Husband has a 15 year mortgage on it, and is still paying less then rent for a one bedroom apartment around here. It'll be great when it sells, however, because we can salt that cash away....he's halfway through the mortgage, so he has some decent equity in it.

I need to get motivated to switch cubicles....I just couldn't bring myself to do it before the wedding...there was too much uproar in my life at that point. But the vacant cube is beginning to be used as a dumping ground, and it needs to be used for ME!

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