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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2001-09-04 - 8:37 a.m.
tuesday morning

Back to work today. Not there yet, of course. The best thing I can say about this job is that it works with my own clock. I cruise in about 10-10:30 most days. Of course, that is still "morning" to me, while to most people, it's the middle of the day already. So sometimes I don't handle the information dump I get as soon as I walk in very well. I'm concerned that Mr. Tiny Shorts is going to innundate me with stuff about last night's automation. Which SHOULD have worked flawlessly, if he followed my instructions. Which he doesn't always do. But I guess if I didn't get a phone call last night, things should be ok. See what I mean about the overdevloped sense of guilt and responsibility?! Jeeze. It's like everyone else is allowed to be human, but I have to be perfect. Take a lot of therapy to figure that one out.

Dinner last night was great....except the beans, which were over done. They tasted ok, but were kind of.....crunchy. We were kind of occupied when the beans should have come out of the oven.

Must plan a vacationette. Long weekend. The Beloved is TERRIBLE about this stuff...I feel like drill instructor queen nag. I guess I just need to accept that I get to be social secretary, and plan this stuff. But it's odd to feel like you are dragging someone away at gunpoint. Our best (and most affordable) lead is a co-worker's cottage up near Lake Michigan. I am already envisioning walks on the beach at sunset....

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