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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2003-01-26 - 8:39 p.m.
Weekend update

Gawd. So little to say.

Sunday night. Hate it as usual. This one is extraspayshul annoying though, because of the whole super bowl thing. Or, as I like to call it, the Stupid Bowl.

Now, I am married to a sports nut. He's not the nuttiest of sports nuts, but he's nutty enough. In fact, if I could change one thing about him, I would have the good fairy wave her magic wand and make it so he doesn't give a rat about football and baseball and basketball. He uses the word "we" when he talks about his team. "We did much better in the second half". I tease him about it all the time. "Really? I didn't notice a short bald guy out there making baskets. You're a we?" I've never understood that whole sports fan thing. I mean, when Michelle Kwan wins nationals, there's no "we" about it for me.

But the cool thing about my husband the sports nut is that he is balanced. He'll go to the maull with me, or to the movies....his entire life doesn't revolve around every game....just the important one with "his" team.

I've said it before in my journal, and I'll say it again....I Don't Get the US obsession with sports. I hate the hype, I hate the focus, I hate that there is ALWAYS some stupid sporting event on tv. I hate that grown people have their self esteem in the balance when "their team" loses. I just think a lot of it is a stupid waste of time. And the super bowl is the hypiest of hype. So I guess it's appropriate that Shania "why do it unless it appeals to the most common denomenator" Twain is the half time show.

Cynical? Me? You bet your ass.

In other news....Husband and I went to an awards dinner for his company on Friday. Pain in the butt, that was. But see, I'd rather have my hair set on fire than go to those events, so I'm biased. Husband did get a gold Sieko watch in honor of his 25 years of service with the company, and he also won an award for "Best Attitude". (proof once again that opposites do won't see ME gettin' any awards for a good attitude.....) I was proud of him. But I've had evenings that were more fun. Yuck.

Anyway...the ass biting cold weather continues, and the weekend is too short......

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