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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2002-08-26 - 8:34 p.m.
No good deed goes unpunished....

Good lord. Here I am, trying to be my best June Cleaver self, and I still make a mess of things.

Beloved is at the movies. He reviews movies for his station, and sometimes he goes alone. (I went to a movie a week for a year. Do you know how many CRAPPY movies come out every year?? I don't go every week now.) I made sloppy joes for dinner, and he can eat when he comes back. I also prepared a pot roast to put in the crock pot for dinner tomorrow.

And I stopped up the kitchen sink.

This is like the third time in four years that sink's been stopped up. I'm sure it's my fault...I get too confident in the ability of my garbage disposer and 75 year old pipes, and plug it right up. Tonight I think the culprit was potato peelings. I know, bad, stupid Colz. I read somewhere that the problem with disposers and old houses is that the drain pipes are smaller than those in modern houses...and easier to stop up.

Yes. They are. I did this the first time I had Beloved over for dinner, in our early dating days. That night, however, I grabbed my trusty auger and tried to clear it out myself. So there I am, on a date, with the contents of the cabinet all around me, pieces of PVC drain pipe scattered about, cranking on the auger. Which didn't work. I had to call the drain cleaner outer guy. I think I'll cut out the middleman and not even try to clear it out tonight, and just call for help tomorrow.

I'm not June Cleaver, I'm Lucy Ricardo.

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