
radiogurl - 2005-12-11 19:15:22
The trip looks wonderful - sorry about the return to reality. It always sucks, doesn't it?
LA - 2005-12-11 19:32:29
Please wax wroth about the Texans some more! Makes my little Yankee heart so happy! Good to know about the run amok kiddies on the cruises. I loathe other people's children and the idea of being trapped on a BOAT with a horde of screaming brats and their jerk parents....eeew. We've been debating a Disney cruise. Which, of course, is kid oriented. On a regular cruise to a non-child destination I wouldn't even think about bringing Wolf. And that other people bring their youngins is just astounding. Can't wait to see the fishy pics. ~LA
Kim - 2005-12-12 11:04:44
The worst thing about vacation is coming back from it. I was never a cruise person and this doesn't really make me want to go! At least you had a table, right? Nice of your DH to give you the world! ;)

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