
LA - 2005-05-26 11:06:51
Nice color! I'm a big fan of pink polish. Mid-western winters may suck, but Fla sucks harder. Just my take. I don't like humidity. I don't like living without seasons. I don't like giant bugs. I don't like white cars. Oy, I could go on for pages. I'm frightened by NY's extradition law that makes it mandatory to move to Boca when you turn 70. I will flee before then and buy a shack in Maine. 8 months of sweater weather and real trees. That's the place for me! hee hee hee. Love, your friend ~the polar bear.
radiogurl - 2005-05-26 20:28:14
Nice mani/pedi. I didn't know you were looking for another job. Good luck with the search! I hope it works out for you :D

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