
radiogurl - 2005-04-22 03:14:53
I won't even say what I think of $700 a night. I think it's highway robbery for hospitals to charge that. ForGET a hotel/motel/inn. For that I'd better have a room at Buckingham Palace, complete with maid service, room service, and pretty much any and every other service you can think of!!!
LA - 2005-04-22 07:47:04
Staying on the North Shore, eh? Fancy-schmancy. Not going to be a lot of Motel 6's on the North shore. And no, you don't want to stay in the city if all your events are on Long Island. However, if you'd care to tack an extra day onto your trip (or have free time already) I will come down on the train and meet you in Manhattan for a fun-filled day of sight seeing, gossip, and squee. What do you say? ~LA
Pandi - 2005-04-22 16:28:14
Maybe you won't say what you expect for $700 a night, but as I am still buzzing from that margarita, I will come right out and say I expect cunnilingus from a tall, built, blue-eyed brunette with a square jaw and a coif. But don't mind me. I'm originally from the South Shore, and we're tacky, us South Shore gals.

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