
LA - 2004-10-14 22:47:22
Oh, sweetie, welcome to peri-menopause. Get you some Estroven. It's an herbal supplement. Doesn't cure, but it sure as shit helps. Up your green leafy intake. Choke down some tofu once a week. Do you have a backyard shed or a garden wall you can hurl things at? If so, shop some garage sales and buy ugly tchotkes. Lots of them. When the crazy mads hit go out and wham some fake Hummels and dime store vases until you feel calmer. Sounds stupid, I know. But you cannot stop these rages, all you can do is try and blow them out somehow without doing a damage to loved ones and/or career. There's NOTHING wrong with you except your hormones are out of whack and your body is pissed as hell about it. Truly. ~LA

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