
Pandionna - 2004-09-20 13:23:29
I can only tell you how it works for me: When I snack mindlessly, it's because I'm bored. When I binge, it's because I'm frustrated about something. Could this be coming from your job? The only thing I can suggest is to look back over your diary and try to make a connection--what was going on when it started? Birth control hormones are good for a few pounds of weight, because they do affect metabolism, but I don't know if they affect appetite. I wish I could say what it is that has been working for me. I *thought* it was all the DG stuff, but looking back now, I see that I lost my appetite when I started taking the CVS version of Claritin-D 24-hour. Honestly, I have to force myself to eat most of the time. Not saying you should run out and start taking decongestants, but I am saying I understand how hard it is to grapple with "emotional eating," because I don't think I'd be doing so well if it was just me against the munchies. The DG escapism I have going on may be helping, but more than anything, I think it's the allergy meds. Weird.

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