
Pandionna - 2004-09-16 12:23:14
Suggestion: Set a new start date, one that's not "tomorrow." Give yourself some time to psych yourself back into it. Then when the big day comes, get rid of all temptations, and find substitutes. I've found that two Hershey's Kisses (1 point) is all I need after lunch and a piece of fruit. I don't need a whole candy bar. Hope this helps. Sucks feeling out of control.
LA - 2004-09-16 22:58:47
Have you considered sex? Up your sex life a notch or two. Have nookie instead of ice cream. I know, if you're feeling bad about yourself it's difficult to get psyched up for a romp outside your regular routine, but it's worth a try! It's free, fun and unless chocolate syrup is involved, zero calories. ~LA ps: Thanks. Fingers crossed here too.

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