
LA - 2004-05-17 14:02:13
Are eating in your sleep? Hubby spooning B&J's down your throat at 3:00am? Not a clue about why someone who's working as hard as you are isn't Lara Flynn Boyle already. Water, maybe? You said it was a month ago that the four pounds showed up. Period bloat? Heh. Maybe you're too happy. You should be a miserable bitch like me, the weight just melts off. I'll tell you a secret, the last time my weight digits started with a '1' I was 19 years old. sigh... ~LA
Loriville - 2004-05-21 15:39:25
The only thing that makes sense is water retention. Try drinking a ton of water and see if you can pee out the excess. It can't hurt!

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