
Pandionna - 2003-12-27 00:44:24
My husband's co-workers are the same way. His boss will call at 10:30 at night and then again at 7:30 the following morning. He even called the huz on his day off to ask him if he wouldn't mind scouting out other wine shops in Virginia to see what their prices were. That was the last time the huz answered his cell phone on his day off.
LA - 2003-12-27 06:24:14
Yup, I sneak around turning off ringers and muting the volume on the answering machines. Mike's cell has "mysterious" battery problems. Otherwise we'd have no holiday at all. Like the twerp who called at 6:30 Thanksgiving morning this year to demand Mike come over and look at his furnace which had been making a 'funny noise' since EARLY OCTOBER and now all of a sudden it needed to be looked at. I told said twerp to have a nice Turkey Day and Mike would see him the following Monday. The guy spluttered and muttered but shut up fast enough when I told him a service call on Thanksgiving would be TRIPLE time. And just like that the noise wasn't so urgent. People. Ugh. thanks, btw, for the yoga tips! I'm researching what's out there for me. ~LA

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