
Rue - 2003-10-23 17:19:36
I�m a banner freak� so here I am. I think people comment on your personal life because it�s different than theirs perhaps. I know that I look at others and wonder why they do things the way they do or think that there are better ways to handle things. I typically don�t tell people that but I can understand the inclination. Also, people have a real hard time accepting that others won�t pro-create. I mean the horror� you�re supposed to right? Anyway, enjoyed the read� I can�t decide if I want kids so I�m not sure if the �wait till you have kids� line works on me either. Have a great day!
Pandionna - 2003-10-23 21:29:26
With more than 6 billion people in the world, I'll let someone else's uterus take the punishment. ;-) Seriously, though, I suppse we'll never know what it's REALLY like to have kids, but that doesn't mean that the child-free can't have an opinion based on the kids in their family (nieces, nephews, cousins). And, it's not like we weren't kids once, ourselves. Maybe a 7-year-old can't change the bed, but a kid with teeth most assuredly should NOT be breast-feeding! That's just not healthy for the kid. They need to get other kinds of bacteria into their GI tract to promote immunity and GI tract flora and fauna. Some sorry excuse for a mother in D.C. got arrested for breast-feeding her 6-year-old on a bus. Yes, 6-year-old. Come on already!

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