
Michelle - 2003-10-22 16:28:03
I have no kids (of my own) either, so obviously I'm an expert as well. But I do most heartily agree with you. And might I add that I was getting a little worried about you? I had forgotten about the drive. Stay safe (and sane, if possible).
elgan - 2003-10-23 13:00:08
I do have kids, and I can tell you I was mightily sick of all the well-meaning advice from people whose babies were out of diapers at 18 months, or never wet the bed. I know what it's like to have a kid wet the bed until age 7. Pull ups are the best answer. No 7-year-old can change his own bed, my dear, believe me. And I tried everything! Both my kids were toilet trained after their third birthday, and no amount of cajoling, bribing, punishing, you-name-it, would push up that date. So, don't think that parents are trying to keep their kids babies. Some kids just aren't ready to grow up yet. When (and if) you have your own, you will see there is a whole other story that you haven't heard yet.

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