
Michelle - 2003-09-24 09:48:00
Hell, name him Milli Vanilli. They were male...kinda. And you can see if he lip-syncs.
LA - 2003-09-24 16:32:09
What a sweetie! (The cat's cute, too.) Since I'm all about cold weather, I'm dancing a jig as fall rolls in. I pause in my dancing to shake my head at you thin blooded people (Mike and Wolf included) and then run off giggling because I'm NOT HOT! For the first time in months I'm NOT HOT!!! BTW, the cat couldn't care less if you named it Hortense or something. I have a male cat named Polly. He deals with it just fine. And Soul Sistah! My new house has nowhere for the vacuum to live either! We're ripping out the ONLY non-bedroom closet (it's about the size of a coffin) to make more space in the back entryway just so I have somewhere to park the vacuum and the brooms and such. If we take out the walls, we'll get an additional 4" on either side. Why this dumb closet was built like this in the first place is a mystery. Just like why my front door is flush with the sill and I have to stand on the step below it to unlock the door. Or why the wall tile in the little bath is a dark cream and the floor tiles are a not compatable ivory shade and the upper walls were painted NILE GREEN. Or why the back door was mounted so it only opens 3/4's of the way and I have to edge in like a hyrogliph character. Or why there's cheezy bathroom linoleum in the front hall. Or... you take my point, I'm sure. ~LA
Andria - 2003-09-24 22:42:33
Your kitty is SO CUTE!!!

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