
LA - 2003-06-16 20:47:56
You KNEW I couldn't resist that one, didn't you? It comes down to this: It is impossible for two people actively involved as a couple to get along with each other all the time. It's simply imposs. Has nothing to do with how much love there is, or how good (or bad) things are with the relationship, nada. We are human beings, flawed human beings and as such we drive each other bonkers. Some lucky ones like you, only sometimes. Other couples aren't as fortunate and drive each other bonkers 24/7. Mike and I go through phases. Our irritation with the other waxes and wanes. It's done so for 22 years and there's no end in sight. We've learned to cope with it. I'll admit that I get chapped with Mike far more often than he does with me, but he's mellow and I'm the Queen of the Mood Swings so it's to be expected. ~LA

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