
LA - 2003-06-03 20:42:38
Just tonight at dinner Mike and I were discussing how stupidly kids are parented these days. Between the boiling and scrubbing everything the kid touches (including the kid himself) they've produced a generation with NO immunities whatsoever. The truly appalling lack of disciplne and the resultant BRATS. And apparently the teaching of manners and societal customs is optional. At the Plumbers Ball every year there are youngins (19 and 20 year olds) who have nary a clue about how to dress for a semi-formal, use multiple silverware, or dance in such a way that the partners can converse. The kids have these pained looks as if they were desperately trying to understand how to behave and wished that someone had taught them so they wouldn't look like fools. If someone wants to smile at my kid or make a silly face at him, I'm cool. But I DO NOT go around foisting him on strangers as if he were the new messiah. I wanted kids, but am perfectly fine with those who don't. In fact, far from believing the childless are selfish, I'm pleased they understand themselves well enough to NOT bring a child into the world just because you're "supposed" to. ~LA

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