
LA - 2003-04-13 16:28:23
Mike and I watched a couple testosterone laden flicks recently ("Point Break" for instance) and we noticed a lot of "Whoo!" Every other scene in these macho films was of guys doing inane X Game physical shit (surfing, jumping off high stuff, skateboarding, etc) and going, "Whooo!" Poor you having to live with "Whoo!" types for neighbors. I suggest making a Welcome Wagon call. Dress in your most matronly Mom type outfit, grab whoever answers the door by the nose, twist said nose 180* and yell, "WHOOO!" When you have the boy's complete attention, kindly but firmly tell him you and the rest of the street are suffering from testosterone poisoning and will be over at least 6 times daily to administer similar "Whoo!" treatments until you are cured and cease to be re-infected by midnight b-ball and loud keggers. ~LA

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