
LA - 2003-02-16 22:08:09
LOL! Okay, I'll sign. I was going to do the guestbook, but your wish is my command. I didn't have a problem with how OLD Lucy was, I had a problem with that after 8 babies she needed a DOCTOR to tell her she's pregnant? C'mon! That's a bit much, even for those days of Nice girls don't know anything about their "dirty parts". I love that flick anyhow. You rock on with your bad Doris Day lovin' self! ~LA
Andria - 2003-02-16 23:49:59
Woohoo! I get to be the first! So, um, your recipes always look yummy but in my crappy overpriced studio I don't have an oven. Do you have any favorites that can be made without one? :) I really like reading your diary.
FuzzMom - 2003-02-17 15:34:56
I hope you have better luck with the Flonase than I did. It worked great, but I kept getting nosebleeds. :( Stuff smells excellent though, doesn't it?

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