
Kim - 2005-06-23 10:35:42
Insomniacs of the world unite! Got no sleep last night myself. Sorry about that. Maybe your husband doesn't want to insult you by saying all the things wrong with the place you love? You've pinpointed the problems yourself but maybe he doesn't want to say it? I mean, I could call my mom a mean name but god forbid anyone else did. Maybe it's the same concept? New job for husband sounds fun even if it is short-term. I'd love to say "I'm outta here" at 2 pm, even if it meant getting up at 4 am, especially if it was short-term.
radiogurl - 2005-06-23 21:32:53
I'm the same way - but I did find that melatonin really helps. Take a tablet about half an hour before bedtime and it'll help immensely. And unlike sleeping pills, you won't wake up groggy. Just get 'em at Wally World; they're about $9 a bottle elsewhere, and at Wally World they're under $4 a bottle.

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