
colz - 2004-10-08 22:49:10
Yeah, I think if I were Hillary, the First Undies would have been on the white house lawn. On fire. That said, no one knows how a marriage runs except the people in HRC felt that staying with her husband was better than not, for whatever reason. I still stand by my E Dole as a strong woman thing....because she DID have high and powerful positions, and was trailblazing long before she hooked up with ol' sourpuss. Part of being a strong woman is making your decisions,as Pandi said. Another discussion I was involved in today had a great thought...women's power comes from being able to make choices. So how come people find THK so....threatening, and they looooove Laura Bush....To me, LB seems like A Nice Lady....but very Stepford.
candoor - 2004-10-10 05:58:57
a random stranger (that'd be me) passes through for the first time inspired to say something... I think it is not that men do not like strong women, it is that weak men do not like strong women... it is weakness, insecurity, fear of facing self and truth and life that makes one fear a strong, determined, self-directed person... most people might be afraid to be, some afraid to follow, and ready to blame others who dare to lead for their fears... but whether we like it or not, everything changes, no matter how afraid of change most people might be... the few who understand this ask the questions no one wants to hear... or propose answers only they understand.
radiogurl - 2004-10-13 11:16:36
I look at these strong, competent women and spend time asking why they put up with complete losers. I did it myself, for a while, but I eventually pulled myself together enough to LEAVE...
breathtaken1 - 2004-10-18 19:39:43
Funny how the topic of women not liking strong women morphed into something about men and strong women...hmm... Anyway, I don't think certain women are disliked because they have opinions, I think they are disliked FOR their opinions and the way they voice them. I would venture to say that every single political wife is a strong woman to go through and put up with the demands of her husband's profession. However, those who rant, and whine and come across as lunatics from time to time EARN their disfavor with the public. Just as with men. Look at how Howard Dean imploded once the public started to see him as shrill and flighty and perhaps a bit unbalanced.

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