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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2003-05-05 - 7:23 p.m.
For the slaves to work, the master needs to be there

I'm talkin' clocks on computers, mkay?

D is back from vacation, and while he was doing his work this afternoon, he did something that killed the Audiovault. He is the only one who does this particular thing, and I really wish he'd quit! required a system reboot, which I did. Now, on each screen with a running copy of the vault, there's something called's a clock that is synched with some kind of master clock, so that it is ALWAYS telling the correct time. This is very important for radio network-y stuff like going to live programs on time or catching complete recordings. And AV time would NOT sync up...kept getting red indicators instead of green. I even rebooted the entire system again.

And then.

I checked out the screen in the air studio. And there was no AVTime called up. So I called it up. And there, in the little window, it said "MASTER". "Hmm, I thought, maybe all those other slave clocks are looking for the master".

And they were. It was all green and working when I left. Thank Dog.

Did that make a bit of sense? I'm sorry...boring work crap is all I've got!

Rode the bike after work. Went pretty far, I would bet. Would have gone further, but the path, known as Rivergreenway, was flooded out. Feel good and....shaky. Exercise always, ALWAYS makes me feel shaky. I'm not one of those people who feels all pumped and energetic after exercise. Nope. But I'm trying to do it anyway, cuz it's good for me. And I live across the street from this WONDERFUL park, and there's the whole Rivergreenway for me to explore.

And it's good for me.

More later, whenever later is...

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