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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2002-08-17 - 9:35 p.m.
Was their name on the invitation?

Yeah yeah, it's Colz the old broken record with a complaint about kids at weddings/wedding message boards.

There's this thread going from a woman who is pissed that her kid isn't invited to a family wedding. (I think her soon to be husband and the groom are brothers) She asks for opinions. She gets opinions like "respect the bride's wishes and don't take your kid". She then posts about how the grandparents want the child there. The child is a genius, and would NEVER be one of those badly behaved kids. The groom said he could come. The bride was mean and said "I don't want your fucking kid there" (Probably because that was the ooompity billionth parunt who thought her kid was a spayshul exception, and she was sick of dealing with it)

People, people, people. If the kid's name isn't on the fucking invitation, the kid isn't invited. JEEEE-ZUS. You may be horribly insulted, you may think they couldn't have POSSIBLY meant YOUR little HuntyrrrGrean, you may be pissed. But your kid STILL isn't invited. The sense of entitlement is mind boggling. You'd think the entire world will come to s screeching halt if a kid doesn't get to go to a wedding. Aside from my Angry Bridesmaid, I've had two replies come back with toddlers written in. Thankfully, one couple was happy about the babysitting arrangements I'd made. I haven't tackled the other's family.

I really don't get it. What, exactly is wrong with an evening with a sitter? I can't imagine anything that would be much more boring for a small kid than a wedding and LONG reception. You know why *I* think parents like to drag their kids everywhere? To show off. To have people give them The Look of Acceptance. You get that when you're a parent. The kid can be climbing the curtains, and other parents will give that conspiritorial "awww...whaddya gonna do" look. It's not about the kid. It's not about how much the kid will add to the festivities. It's not about the bride and groom's wishes. It's about the parents wanting to show off their kids.

OK. Kid rant over for now.

We went out to Best Buy this evening to get the makings of broadband. I'm glad there were tons of rebates on the equipment...we spent a bunch. Our big challenge now is getting the cable to the computer room. I said, if worse comes to worse, we can just run it up the outside of the house and in the window......houses from the 20s didn't typically come wired for internet access.

Took TWO phone calls from work today. One was GM, reporting problem with the 11a show. The next was several hours later when Tiny Shorts called to tell me that nothing was working right, he couldn't find any engineers, blah blah blah. I don't know what the problems were, exactly, because TS and the Diva both have about the same ability to actually understand what the fuck they are explaning....namely, none. Even the GM was a little scary this morning. I think the computer with the wonky power supply was causing some kind of problem. I asked TS if he rebooted it (I mean, isn't that the first thing you do when things are wonky?) No, he hadn't done that.

Oh great. I'm a fucking mental giant in this office, and that scares the crap outta me.

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