Days In The Life

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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2001-11-18 - 8:59 p.m.
Odds and Ends

I s'pose I oughta write something, but it's been an uneventful weekend. Friday was the usual watch TV and collapse evening. Yesterday afternoon, we went to the local maul (already a madhouse of shoppers)and walked around. Did stop in a jewelry store and checked out a couple of rings. Nice to know that my taste isn't in the OH MY GOD THAT'S HOW MUCH!?!? range. Damn, but those suckers are expensive. But yes, I want one. So there. ;)

Today we did our usual Sunday breakfast thing, then went out to Borders for awhile...that was pretty cool...just hanging out, wandering around the store. Then back to his house. (The Bears were on)

So I came home about 7, watched the Facts of Life reunion show, and here I am. Ms. Excitement.

We were going to check out a church this weekend, but Beloved decided he didn't want to. It freaks him out, the whole "join a group of strangers" thing, but it freaks me out too. And this is HIS thing, not mine. The Miss Patience side of my personality is not doing well right now. I'm tired of always being ahead of him on the road. Let's get this show moving already! UGH.

Talked to the bank about refinancing my house....all I keep hearing is "Ohhh, if you're at 7% or above, you MUST refinance". Well, not when you only have a $350 house payment to start with...turns out, with points and closing costs, etc, etc, all rolled in, I'd end up paying five bucks MORE a month after refinance. No thanks...I may not be a math whiz, but this seemed pretty obvious to me. I'm sure if I had a big mortgage and/or a big payment, it would make a lot of sense, but in my case, it really doesn't. I lucked into this house for a great price, and my payment is cheaper than rent on an apartment at the corner of Crack and Condemned, so I'll just be glad for the payment I have, I guess.

I should be excited about this work week...tomorrow is really my only "normal" day, since I have to go to that stupid ridiculous pointless meeting on Tuesday, then have the rest of the week off. But I'm not. Once again, I hate Sunday. Am I the only one? I can't be...

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