
LA - 2004-11-19 07:47:45
Cool! You're going to be a smasher in that dress! (Actually you're a smasher all together.) Ah yes. The fabled NY rudeness. We have our share of jerks for certain and our speedy way of life does SEEM rude to folk from slower paced places, but like most myths it's a tiny bit of truth wrapped in a whole lot of bs. The fact is we're not any ruder than the usual run of all humans- we just have a bad rep. ~LA
Pandionna - 2004-11-19 12:16:21
I grew up on Lawn Guyland. Not sure if I help or hinder the cause! ;-) That's a beautiful dress, BTW. And I know you will work through the nutrition. Knowing what the issues are is half the battle.

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