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I Read These: loriville

Who ARE these people?

2002-03-28 - 1:12 p.m.
Why do they even bother to ask??

I mean, the fast food places. Why do they ask "May I take your order?" if they're just going to ignore what you ask for and give you whatever they have on hand? This is the second day in a row I've been to Wendy's (yes, I know, I'm a big fat heart attack waiting to happen), and it's the second day in a row they've fucked up my order. Today, they deserve some kind of special "order fucking up efficiency award", since in my simple order of burger fries and drink, they managed to mess up THREE THINGS. Including the burger after I corrected them on the readback. Wrong burger, wrong drink, didn't get the catsup I asked for. And when I was driving up, I saw a woman drive from drive through to the front door, and go in with a half wrapped sandwich. This tells me I didn't get an isolated oopsie. I mean, GEEZE. Yesterday, the burger had the two things I asked NOT be put on it.

So my new idea is that instead of pretending to take an actual order, they just charge us five bucks a head and hand out whatever's handy.

Yes. I know. Bitching about my fast food burger being made incorrectly sounds petty. But it's so frustrating some times, yanno? All you want is the quick burger at your desk (where people will call you to complain about incorrect pronunciation, mind you), and not even that is what you want it to be.

OK. On to nicer stuff.

Beloved and I went to Stars on Ice last night. If you can go, do it. It's worth it. Marvellous. It's a grown up show, very entertaining. Meno and Sand even made me cry with their "The First Time Ever I saw Your Face" number. Beloved even enjoyed it. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he thinks Katarina Witt is babelicious!

Today is Beloved's birthday. He is 50. It sounds so weird on paper. I think he is handling it better than I am. Fifty is in college an age. Not a "getting married for the first time" age. But I'm no spring chicken myself. He said the sweetest thing last night. I was lamenting tha because of schedules and things, I wouldn't be able to have his Birthday Pie for tonight, and that I didn't have a wrapped gift for him (I am going to buy him a bicycle...there's a park by my house where we can ride). I said I was bummed that I didn't have anything big and special for him, and he said "I don't need anything. You're my big thing". (awwww) We are going out to dinner tonight at a Fancy Place, and I did send him flowers, so the day isn't going umarked.

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